Dalai Lama over vorige levens - dromen en vorige levens - reïncarnatie - herinneringen aan een vorig leven in o.a. Egypte

(c) Foto Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL
De Dalai Lama in gesprek met studenten tijdens een filosofisch Boeddhistisch debat

Dalai Lama over vorige levens, quote 6 juni 2017

Een studente vroeg tijdens een filosofisch Boeddhistisch debat (juni 2017) aan de Dalai Lama hoe het mogelijk was dat je kunt dromen van een plaats waar je nog niet eerder ben geweest of dat je in wakkere staat bij aankomst op een nieuwe locatie alles herkent. De Dalai Lama antwoordde: “There are people who have clear dreams in which they see the future. I have friends who dreamt of being here in Dharamsala while they were still in Tibet and recognised it when they got here. It seems the subtler mind has the power to see the future.
When I’m awake I don’t remember anything about past lives, but in my dreams I do. I have one memory of being a prisoner in ancient Egypt and being brought before the king in chains. He sat high on his throne and looked down at me commanding that I be released. I also have dreams of being with Indian and Tibetan masters of the past.
My mother told me that when I was small I clearly had memories of my past life. She also told me that on the day the search party was to come to our house I was excited. When Keutshang Rinpoche arrived, apparently I recognised him and the rosary he had around his neck. I tugged on it, telling him it was mine and asking him to give it to me.”

Second day of his teaching for Tibetan youth at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamsala, HP, India on June 6, 2017.

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Marianne Notschaele-den Boer
Regressie- en reïncarnatietherapeut/auteur


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